Gasthof Prankl


Tento podnik získal ocenění …

  • Klasifikace podle hvězdiček: 3 hvězdičky superior
  • Best of Wachau

Váš pobyt

Approximately 500 years old, the architecturally striking, picturesque ship owner’s house in Spitz has been operated as an inn since 1680 and is run today by the 7th generation of the Prankl family. This tradition is reflected in the comfortable ambience of the parlour, in the dining garden under old linden trees and in the cuisine on offer.
The menu offers down-to-earth, refined specialities skilfully prepared from top-quality regional produce, while the wine list contains some 100 items. Guests have a choice of 9 inviting double rooms and 4 brand-new suites and family apartments modern in both design and furnishings (adventure shower, flat-screen TV, some with balconies), plus views of the Danube. The sunny terrace and attractive garden with comfortable loungers and water feature invite you to relax.


 Gasthof Prankl

Excellent accommodation. Great rooms and fantastic service.

  • Good alcoholic drinks

  • Great menu

  • Good restaurant service

  • Friendly service

  • Great room

    • „Beautifully appointed rooms“

  • Bar

    5.0 / 5
  • Comfort

    5.0 / 5
  • Location

    5.0 / 5
    • „Fantastic location“
  • Amenities

    5.0 / 5
  • Breakfast

    4.9 / 5
  • Service

    4.8 / 5
    • „Service perfect“
  • Room

    4.8 / 5
    • „Beautifully appointed rooms“
  • Food

    4.5 / 5
    • „Awesome food in the restaurant“
    • „Super food“
  • Cleanliness

    4.3 / 5
  • Room

    4.8 / 5
    • „Beautifully appointed rooms“

Místo a příjezd

Gasthof Prankl poptat

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